DW IP Storage Calculator

* IVA/IVA+ DW Megapix Cameras added(require DW Spectrum 4.1 and higher).

* H.265 options for DW Megapix cameras require DW Spectrum 4.0 and higher.

* DWC-XPZA03Mi/XPZA08Mi cameras support H.265 but bitrate is same as H.264 so H.265 option is not selectable.
* The XPZA series cameras' H.265 will increase the quality of the image instead of reducing the bitrate from H.264 .


Camera Name Qty Platform Manufacturer Model Codec Quality Max Res. FPS Motion(%) Rec Days Bitrate(kbps) Total Data Rate Req. Storage

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Selected Cameras

Desc. Qty Platform Make Model Codec Resolution Quality Bitrate Frame Rate Motion % Days Stored Camera Traffic Total Storage

Selected Servers

Qty Model Description Data Rate Data Storage IP Cameras
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1. To calculate for VMAX series NVR, select VMAX NVR in the Platform.(VMAX NVR do not support H.265)